A grass-roots community of bitcoiners

About Us

Who are we?

Brighton Bitcoin has been hosting monthly meetup events in Brighton since mid 2022 and is now aiming to broaden it’s scope by raising awareness, understanding, and adoption of Bitcoin within the area.

Events are mostly being organised by Kailash but there’s no particular “leader” to the group, we’re simply a group of interested parties from various walks of life that share a common interest in the belief that Bitcoin is a force for good in the world.

You can find some local business in the local area, or even across the globe, by using the map below! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you know of other businesses that are, or are interested in, accepting bitcoin.

Introduction to Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos

What's happening in Brighton & Hove?

News & Events

Find out more about upcoming events by connecting with us on social media or by following our event page on either meetup.com or eventbrite.com

You can also find us, and many other UK bitcoin meetups & events, at bitcoinevents.uk

November ’23 meetup with Bridge2Bitcoin

This month we’ll be joined by Chris from https://bridge2bitcoin.com/ who will be hosting a talk and discussion on Bitcoin merchant adoption. Event details can be found below: Brighton Bitcoin November …

Brighton Bitcoin summer schedule:

We have a whole load of events for you this summer, including some great speakers, a weekend bitcoiner picnic at the beach, and more. Check out what’s happening below: Wed …